Monday, April 14, 2014

Game of Thrones S04E02

Are they hunting a girl. Really.

Never thought I'd see Tyrion intentionally waste wine. That was actually sweet of him.

Is JamieXBronn the new hot slash pairing?

Is "The Dreadfort" really what they call it?

That is an awful shaving brush. And no way he'd get such a nice shave in so few strokes.

Circe looks pretty at this banquet.

Real tactful, Joffrey. Reeeeeeal tactful.

If Tyrion is saying all this to Shae just to upset her and make her leave, he's pretty convinving.

I forget - does Stannis' wife not know about the Red Woman or not care?

That is some hairdo! But that's the necklace they went with?

So they're having a renfaire-themed wedding party?

I do like Sansa's hair jewel thingy.

Sir Loras knows what's up.

BURRRRRRRRRN. (Tyrion declining to join the other dwarves.)

Marjorie is the queen of diffusing tension with misdirection. "Look, the pie!"

The good thing about the spoiler I saw is that I got to catch whatserface's irony about killing someone at a wedding.

1.  Assuming Emma Peel is responsible for poisoning Joffrey, did she intentionally set up Tyrion to take the fall? Why?
2. Did the jester dude have a role in the murder?
3. What is Melisandre going to do to the little girl?
4. Does anyone really care about Bran?

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