Sunday, September 21, 2014

Masters of Sex S02E08 "Mirror, Mirror"

I like that everyone's fashion has evolved with the times except for Bill's.

I love this consultancy position Betty has taken on.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Masters of Sex S02E07 "Asterion"

Lester sure got hardened in Hollywood.

Betty's yellow dress is amaaaazing.

Lots of time elapsing quickly in this episode. A new baby already?

Bill continues the proud male tradition of refusing to take money offered to help him and his family.

"I provide the roof!" Whoa. Libby is great in this scene, too.

Nice to see Libby and Ginny bonding in the ladies' room.

Wow. That was even worse than not apologizing, Bill.

It's a little contrived that Ginny left Bill impotent.

I love Betty the CPA!

And now we're in the 60s.

"You have more of me than you even realize."

More male hypocrisy - Austin decides he actually *doesn't* want his girlfriend naked on film.

Yay! Betsy Brandt is back! Well, just for the one scene. It's a little convenient that she has a rare sexual abnormality, but whatevs.

Lovely ending scene, though I couldn't quite tell whose birthday it was.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Masters of Sex S02E06 "Blackbird"

Another especially fine episode.

I love the culmination of Virginia and Lilian's relationship. It was special and beautiful. (Even if Ginny did kind of pull a Walter White letting Jane die. (JK. Totally different.)). It's one of the best female friendships I've seen on TV outside of the Golden Girls. I hope Julianne Nicholson gets some award nominations for this season.

I like the storyline with Betty and her husband. My heart breaks for both Betty and for Gene.

But I miss Beau Bridges and Allison Janney, too.

I don't like where they've taken Libby. Hopefully now that she's fired Coral her obsession will end and she can go back to being a sympathetic character. It seems like the writers intentionally made her less sympathetic for the course of Bill's affair with Ginny (which looks to be over?) so that we could still root for Ginny. Why can't they both be sympathetic characters?

Courtney B. Vance is great.

I like that the show didn't let on that Virginia had a boyfriend so that the audience finds out at the same time as Bill.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

The X-Files S07E08 "The Amazing Maleeni"

I love this episode. It reminds me very much of S2's "Humbug," or something else Darin Morgan would write.

"The hand may be quicker than the eye, but it still leaves fingerprints." I love you Dana Scully.

The heckler is pretty cute, though.

Law & Order S01E03 "The Reaper's Helper"

"He was king of the prom" You mean Prom King?

In the early days witnesses stop what they're doing to talk to the cops.

Law & Order S01E02 "Subterranean Homeboy Blues"

That opening scene was a lot more involved than many are in later seasons.

And they show the name of the episode.

I didn't know (before I watched E1) that Cragen started off in Homicide.

I like this public defender Ms. Green.

Wait, is that Cynthia Nixon? It totally is!!

So she's saying it wasn't racism, but...misandry?

Wait, so her perception of them as a threat only matter if it was an accurate?

Homicide: LIfe on the Street 308 "All Through the House"

Why bother putting up a Christmas tree ON Christmas Eve?

Hahaha, they're playing Christmas music in the morgue.

And this lady has her servants trimming her tree on Christmas Eve? I'm no expert, but isn't that a bit late?

Munch at the batting range is awesome. (Is that what it's called? A batting range?)

Aw, I'm glad the kid's dad is alive.

Where is rich lady mother getting dressed up to go?

How are they playing hearts with 5 people?

Homicide: Life on the Street 307 "Happy to Be Here"

This show would benefit from a Bubbles

Has this Thorne guy been in other episodes besides that one where he wanted a gun exchange?

I bet it wasn't Danvers that sent Kay those flowers.

You gotta feel for this kid when he's describing the bicycle he was going to buy with the $500 he was paid to murder someone.

I love that Bayliss, in his brokenheartedness, needs beer and cookies.

JESUS Bayliss. You just pulled a gun on a sales clerk! That's robbery!!

I would like an appendix of all episodes of cop shows that end with a cop calling their kids "Just to say hello."

Luther S01E02

I'm pretty unimpressed by this show, mostly. Let's see how much longer I give it.

Is the wife going to get kidnapped again?

Yeah, I don't think I'm that interested in watching more.

Hmmm...well that turn of events with Alice at the end *might* merit one more episode.

Homicide: Life on the Street 306 "A Model Citizen"

The order of this series is so out of whack I'll be going by production code instead of S-E-.

Ah. The music in this episode is already cheerier than the last.

"You can almost feel the energy" Weird thing to say at a crime scene...

This "love at first sight" spark between Bayless and Emma is silly.

Oh Pembleton. I want McCoy to try one of Pembleton's cases. The righteous indignation would be through the roof.

I like that Kay's relationship with the lawyer guy just continues even though we never see them together.

Aw seriously? Hurt? What happened to what I said about the cheerier music??

The X-Files S07E07 "Orison"

Oh hey, it's Herschel.

(I didn't blog the last episode, The Goldberg Variations, but it was good.)

I don't really remember the episode this is a follow up to.

 Oooh, trepanation

Whaaaaat? Did he turn into a monster in the other episode?

Really? He's in Scully's closet? How did he get there?

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Homicide: Life on the Street S03E07 "The Last of the Watermen"

G looks funny in his street clothes.

Why is this episode all sad and stuff already? What's with this sad music with Kay driving?

Like, really, enough with the bullshit cheesy music, please.

When law-women go on vacation, they end up working. (Kay, Scully)

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Homicide: Life on the Street S03E06 "Crosetti"

I started watching S03E04 and Beau said Crosetti was dead. What?? So I looked it up and they aired this season out of order, too. So I skipped ahead so I can watch it in order. SMH.

So Crosetti was on vacation, and then he gets killed. Something going on with the actor?

I thought Crosetti's daughter was like a teenager?

Munch has a younger brother? There's another Munch??

This guy holding the baby saying Crosetti was happy is highly suspect. Oh, it's that friend of his that got shot.

Meldrick hearing Crosetti's tox screen results is a phenomenal piece of acting.

So I guess this episode was all about Meldrick's conspiracy theory about Crosetti's death, which is fitting.

Awwww,  Pembleton gave him an honor guard :)

Friday, September 5, 2014

Masters of Sex S02E04 "Dirty Jobs"

Why would Ginny treat DePaul different for knowing about her and Bill if she was under the impression that Ginny has known all along?

I think Ginny is being unreasonable. that Sarah Silverman?

Ohhhh is this Betty's ex??

Don't be dense Bill.

"Once I"m done making Mr. Masters' bed, should I make yours too?" BURRRRRNNNN

It's interesting to see even Virginia be racist.

It looks like my original assessment was right - Libby has become a TV wife to either be hated or pitied.

Oh Betty, just tell him about Helen. You saw what happened last time you lied to him.

Betty and Helen laughing at the dinner table is a beautiful scene.

You know who I don't miss? Ethan.

Bill turning the wooing of patients over to Virginia is a nice turn.

HA! I had a feeling it was him taking down the fliers.