Monday, June 9, 2014

Game of Thrones S04E09

Sam has a point. Not taking a wife and not having kids says nothing about what else you could do.

"Jon Snow is mine." Oh yeah, what about Sookie? Is Sookie yours too?

"Thousands of books and no eyes to read them!" Maester Eamon would like The Twilight Zone.

Ooooh, I wonder if Maester Eamon's long lost love is a character we know. Lady Oleanna, maybe?

"From now on, wherever you go, I go too." Sam channeling some Book of Ruth right thurr.

So what happens if the Wildlings defeat the Nights Watch? The White Walkers come and invade everywhere? Is the Wall really all that's stopping them?

I like this guy's definition of leadership, actually. Everyone will question him, but he mustn't question himself.

Hmmm, interesting quandary. Sam will certainly make more of a difference to Gilly if he stays alive than he will to the Nights Watch if he fights and dies. This is one of those things where honor is kind of stupid.

Is Ygritte going to get killed? I feel like Ygritte is going to get killed. Which would be too bad, because we haven't seen much of her this season.

Well this music is different. What are those, tubas?

Why does the Nights Watch seem so ineffectual and hopeless? What happened to all that training and stuff? I thought that was all they did. I thought they were supposed to be kind of admired, not a band of misfits? Then again, they ARE mostly a bunch of criminals.

What? Why is there a little boy? Where did he come from?

That does not look like a very good belay system.

Why are bald guys with facial scars always sadists?

Are they really going to devote an entire episode to this fight? Because I don't care that much.

If Tyrion had taken that deal, would he have made it up to the Wall before all this?

So when Oberyn says he won't die, he does. But when Sam says he won't die, he doesn't?

What's with this Wes Anderson style pan of the wall fight? Bleh.

Jon Snow would have been wise to wear a face mask. He must know that Ygritte will want to kill him.

Yup. There goes Ygritte.

I would care about Ygritte dying a lot more if we'd seen more of her this season.

It would have been interesting to see what Ygritte would have done if she hadn't been killed, though.

Aww, even Jon Snow's furry shawl looks sad.

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