It's been a while since we had gratuitous naked ladies.
I feel like Yara and Stannis would get along well. (Both are first over the wall.)
Ramsay Snow might be #1 on my list of people I wouldn't want to bathe me.
I know some book readers were upset that we saw Theon being tortured before it should have been revealed. But I think we're not really seeing the full scope and ramifications until right now.
This scene with Daenarys and the goatherd reminds me of the scene from The Emperor's New Groove where the peasant asks Yzma for more food.
I like Oberyn Martell.
Two seasoned warriors counseling her that she's barely listening to.
This scene with Oberyn and Varys is good.
Interesting when the guy in the crowd calls Tyrion "Kingslayer" - he gets to be like his brother for once.
How do they find residue from a poison on a necklace? With a forensics lab?
It would be funny if "punished accordingly" meant that he had to pick up garbage or something and they weren't going to execute him after all.
Tyrion is so not going to ask for mercy.
OOoooh, now Tyrion is DEFINITELY not going to ask for mercy.
Tywin is so casual about sitting on the iron throne.
So is Shae just doing a "woman scorned" sort of thing? Or is she being manipulated somehow?
This speech is Peter Dinklage's run at an Emmy, eh?
These Tyrion/Tywin stares are intense!
So does Tyrion get a second in his trial by combat? Jaime? Bronn? Or will he forgo a second and fight himself?
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