I kinda like Charlie. Good performance.
So many TV shows begin with a dead girl. Twin Peaks, The Killing, The Fall, True Detective... Any that begin with a dead man?
Why is she still so angry? What does she want out of him?
Casting call: 90s ravers. Must be able to flail.
Ohhh the plastic pacifier fad! Such detail!
Iron Crusaders has a religious ring to it.
I've heard of alcoholics hiding booze all around the house - but in a crate with guns and grenades?
What does Marty want from his wife? Does he want to stay with her just because she left him? He wants control.
Sometimes when they say "bike club" I hear "fight club"
Explanation of how to use a cell phone
Shades of American History X at this bike club
Why the hell is Marty going in?
"Down the bayou" sounds so ominous
BaldyBeardy has crazy eyes.
These guys do not look like cops.
And of course there's a kid.
Why didn't they just bring this guy in and question him? Why go undercover and all this?
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