- Does anyone ever actually say "Try me" in real life?
- Goddammit. Vic again.
- Did Alison just seriously pull a Walter White and watch Ainsley die?? I'm betting she wasn't even the monitor...
- Weird that the revelation that she's a clone totally repaired Sarah's relationship with Mrs. S.
- People on TV always try to hide that they think they're seriously sick. Casima is coughing up blood and she's like, "I'm all right." I would be like, "I think I'm dying. I probably have cancer. WebMD says I have three weeks to live."
- Is the French music playing Felix's choice or Casima's? Or is it non-diegetic?
- Wait - when did Helena get access to Sarah's clothes to pretend to be her? And the town house? And a wig??
- Nobody is interested in getting help for Helena.
- I don't remember Rachel giving Sarah her phone number.
- Two down, two to go? Who's the fourth?
- The patent reveal is pretty chilling.
End of season questions:
- What was Amelia trying to tell Sarah about Mrs. S? That she was one of the clone scientists?
- Who kidnapped Mrs. S. and Kira? Rachel et. al.?
- What is the sickness that Casima has?
- Will Alison find out that Donny is her monitor and Ainsley was not?
- How will Alison come to terms with letting Ainsley die?
- Who is the fourth clone?
- What's the next step for the police?
- What is Dr. Leekie really playing at?
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