Thursday, February 27, 2014

Top of the Lake S01E06

I forgot I had more of this to watch because why would I not have binge-watched it?

If I were a detective, every time I found a new clue I'd be hard pressed not to say "Curiouser and curiouser"

Does Matt know Robin is seeing Johnno?

Quit being so creepy, Al.

Who are these kids?

What is this, some sort of children's utopia where nobody tells their parents where the pregnant girl is hiding out?

Is Al actively conspiring against Robin?

It's kind of interesting to be seeing these scenes of Tui after so much time.

How did Johnno know?

Oh no!

Oh no!! :(

That was really gruesome and upsetting.

Does Tui know?

She knows.

Fucking heartbreaking.

You got a lot of balls showing up here, Matt Mitcham.

Who let Simone wander off by herself grieving and drunk?

Oh she's not going to make it to the day after tomorrow, I have a feeling.

Hm. There was never any big "I love you moment." Just a "love you" on parting.

What was that hug all about?

Uh oh. Did Matt Mitcham orchestrate her rape?

Why wouldn't they make Matt come down to the station?

Rather abrupt ending.

Law & Order: SVU S15E14: Comic Perversion

Oooh, is this a Daniel Tosh thing? That seems like old news for SVU to rip from the headlines. Maybe they ripped it from their scrapbook.

I kinda feel bad for the SVU writer who had to write those jokes.

Uh, proof that you bought a girl 6 drinks would work against you...

Wouldn't his little video diary be enough for a mistrial?

Why is the judge letting him go on like this?

7 minutes left in the episode. Plenty of time for the girl to do something stupid.

Oh, crossovers...

Sunday, February 23, 2014

True Detective E01E02

Someone should write a paper on TV detectives and their relationships with prostitute informants.

Those are some great 90s floral overalls

The way MM talks about his daughter's death has a ring of truth. Good performance for real.

Are there any TV cops that don't have marriage trouble?

The Captain's head looks like a dick.

I'm really interested to see where the framing narrative goes. Will we catch up to the present?

The X-Files S06E12: One Son

Those aliens don't look so fearsome. I could take them.

I've never trusted Diana. Look at her hair.

Mulder still trusts her?

This episode is not so interesting to me. Kind of boring.

Also I don't get it.

Who pays CGB his income?

What about all the other syndicate guys' family members they gave up? What happened to them?

These rebel aliens really need to attach their faces better.

Is there some sort of Holocaust metaphor here? "Purity," train cars, genetic experiments...

So the Syndicate is all dead now?

But the biggest mystery of all: Why did his parents name him Fox?

Smokey shot his own son in the X-Files office?? Whaaaat?

So all of this is just Smokey wishing Mulder were HIS son.

The X-Files S06E11: Two Fathers

Well that's the most direct Smoking Man has ever been about what he's up to.

This episode is like really overt. Was it aired at a time to bring new viewers to the series?

Or is there some twist in the framing?

I would probably pee the floor, too, if I met Agent Mulder.

It's like X-Files Lite, this episode, or X-Files in a box.

They don't usually just explain things. Is this misdirection?

Smokey's name is CGB Spender

"Unauthorized entry into my office?" That's a fire-able offense?

Nice play on words. "Out there" = "exposed"

Hahaha, Krycek just came out of nowhere

Top of the Lake S01E05

And once again my computer crashed most of the way through the episode and I lost my notes. The gist of it, I think, was that Johnno is kind of romantic and it was sad when Robin's mom died. Oh, and that the score is gorgeous.

Another note I remember is "This is weird, Al" is not as exciting as "This is Weird Al"

I don't think Robin should be apologizing to the kid...

Men relate to each other by nudging?

Poor Al. He's in love with Robin.

How did Tui rendezvous with Jamie before running away?

Saturday, February 22, 2014

The X-Files S06E10: Tithonus

I'm pretty sure there's a Goosebumps book with the same premise as this episode.

Why aren't x-files being directed to the x-files?

That was an ice cold "Scully"

The music in this episode is particularly piano-heavy and dark.

This guy gives a pretty convincing performance, talking about Death.

He's really getting to her. Because Mulder's not with her?

Why did he shoot him!?!?

Top of the Lake S01E04

Really? You think telling her about making one guy lick the other guys' assholes is supposed to make her feel better?

Kicking someone's ass is not punishment. It is not justice.

I remember Al being an asshole in the first episode but he's been sympathetic since. Am I remembering a different character?

Interesting that everyone feels a need to tell her what happened to her rapists.

See? Sometimes she just wears a t-shirt and now she's wearing a winter jacket.

She finds a (the?) guy in the blue hoodie, but she's wearing a blue hoodie, too. Well I guess hers is more gray.

Get away from her, Sarge.

Ohhhhh he doesn't even recognize her.

Does Johnno just live in that tent?

I kind of like how little time they spend/spent on her relationship with Steve.

Oh shit. Did he rape her too?

She can say "Don't tell me" but then she'll just assume the worst. Better to know the truth? (Also I want to know...)

THe idea of a "kids' drug" is kinda funny. (Odd funny)

Top of the Lake S01E03

Hmm. I don't think I've ever seen a scene of a guy just going down on a woman in a bathroom. Cool. I guess.

A room below the shower?

Robin had better hope they don't dust for prints...

Matt is so full of shit and GJ isn't having any of it.

He write "I'm sorrie kitten" on the grave of a dog?

Johnno IS really cute.

What kind of law does one study in a Thai prison?

"About to get married"? That's kind of a stretch. It's been 5 years, and you'e hoping the guy will leave you.

Meth lab?

Why is Matt so interested in Bunny?

Oh. Because she owns the land.

Where was she hiding that teddy?

Hmmm, so what are the implications of Matt's ED?

What a great character quirk that Anita imitates people. Did she learn it from the chimp?

E seems like fun, but maybe that's just because they're in New Zealand.

Well that's pretty fucked up that he whips himself when he visits his mom's grave.

The end of this episode: Robin calls Al and says she thinks she figured out what Tui meant, and can she come over now. He says now. Reminds me of the end of the episode of Twin Peaks where Cooper calls the sheriff to tell him that he thinks he knows who killed Laura Palmer but he won't say over the phone.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Top of the Lake S0E02

Why would you live ner a lake that regularly kills people?

People who treat animals better than they treat humans piss me off.

I do like Matt's accent, though.

So who is this "NO ONE" person?

This is one of the more awkward sex scenes I've ever seen, but I kinda like it.

It really sucks that for a woman to be taken seriously she has to be a bitch.

Are we meant to take this chimp thing seriously?

Holly Hunter is fantastic in this.

What is that guitar plugged into?

I have no sense of the weather in this show. It seems warm enough temperature-wise, but the lake water is freezing?

"No one likes a feminist, except a lesbian" Good one.

This Austrian guy is all Death in Venice.

This was not a smart move, Robin. Following this guy to his house without back-up? Letting him out of your sight?

And instead of calling the police she calls this other guy?

I guess this guy wouldn't respond very well to the police.

Not so subtle with the sexual tension here, either.

Top of the Lake S01E01

"Something's in there" is a really creepy way of saying "I'm pregnant."

That is a huge fetus.

What do they gain by killing the realtor?

These brothers are named Luke and Mark? Just like the twins on The Following.

"She can't get anymore pregnant"??? What an ass!

"And there's a female detective." As if that in itself is bad news.

They're not really being subtle about Matt being a bad guy.

"Any normal person would feel sad" - no wonder she feels manipulated.

"Have you ever tried masturbating? It's very relaxing and it's not fattening." Uhh...

Where do I recognize this woman from? imdb is not helping.

Ohhhhh she looks like Dani from The Shield!

Do all cashiers in New Zealand wear track suits?

Thursday, February 20, 2014

The Following S02E05

Emma is not going to like this competition from Dani Beck.

So were the lip rings fake? No holes...

They do not make this French chick likeable at all.

What is the trajectory of this show?

Joe has such soft eyes.

"Joe seems cool" Really?

Ryan promised her what? That he wouldn't strangle any witnesses to death?

That mansion must cost a fortune to maintain.

I like how bashful Mark gets around Emma.

K.Will likes the idea of a person who brings death to all around them - Ryan Hardy, Sydney Prescott...

That *is* a pretty cage

Is Emma still locked in the studio with Mark?

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

The Walking Dead S04E10

So there's stupid girl and psycho girl.

Is Psycho Girl going to kill the baby?

This girl named Carol follows Daryl every gig we play...

So whose little shoe did Beth find?

Ohhhh right - Rick hadn't told Tyrese yet.

Maggie is such a badass. I think she's my favorite.

I like Glenn, but he's kind of boring by himself.

But...he didn't tell her his name?

Monday, February 17, 2014

True Detective S01E01

Interesting they cast older actors and made them look young rather than the other way around.

Except of course the wife they cast a young actress.

The murderer is the Blair Witch or else Hannibal.

I'm interested. Let's see where this goes.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

House of Cards S02E13: Chapter 26

All right. Let's do this.

So who would be Frank's VP?

What was the other letter?

Dude. You're not pulling the trigger yourself by putting the gun in his hand.

I'm so annoyed by Tusk. Can we get him out of the picture already?

Oh no! Did something happen to Remy?

Remy has an assistant? I want to be Remy's assistant.

Ooooh, what's Tusk doing??

Why did Remy cancel?

Surely Tusk realizes this helps Frank? Doesn't it?

Was it that Fitz guy? Wait, was Gavin that Fitz guy?

I like Meacham after all. He's stayed professional.

So inside a year he goes from House Whip to President? Kinda fishy, no?

If he's president, what maneuvering is left to do?

Is Doug dead??

I wonder what Freddy thinks about all this.

And where's Remy?

And what will become of the townhouse?

I wonder if there's just one Oval Office set that all TV shows and movies use. That would be neat.

House of Cards S02E12: Chapter 25

Tusk's beard looks terrible.

Why do they all rise for Tusk? Because he's rich?

Look at that smug fifth amendment face.

Poor Lisa :( Poor Rachel :(

"None of us are perfect"? It should be "None of us is perfect"

I still don't see how marriage counseling is a scandal.

Claire and Frank are so ominous together.

House of Cards S02E11: Chapter 24

It's Alicia Corwin!

Stamper done screwed up.

Is Frank any good at actually doing VP things? Or just maneuvering for himself?

I don't know who this guy is but I like him. Oh is he the guy that Jackie screwed over?

So, what? It's just Rachel throwing Doug off his game?

Is he going to kill her?

Is hacker guy tracking Doug on his own, or at the behest of the FBI?

So what if the president was in marriage counseling?

I like Doug and Seth working together.

I like Megan. I hope she doesn't get crushed.

Uh oh. What's wrong with Megan.

And what is Claire plotting?

Is Doug really going to reach out to this stranger from AA?

Where is this going with Meacham?

Will Meacham make a move on Frank?

What is even going on here?



But okay.

House of Cards S02E10: Chapter 23

Uh oh. A bomb.

Oh no. Claire is giong to destroy Jackie.

Why are they playing up Meacham?

Frank wonders why Meacham does what he does, but what about Stamper?

House of Cards S02E09: Chapter 22

Oooooh this is the Jodie Foster episode!

E-mailing a copy of a photo you want to disappear is probably a bad idea...

I feel like Remy could have got more mileage out of this by using it as leverage instead of just putting it out there.

Ooh, Claire didn't know they were engaged.


This was a GOOD move. Very original.

I don't like Tusk when he tries to be dangerous to someone's face. He's not very good at it.

Aww, is Freddy's son going to rob him?

Why does it matter if Freddy did time?

Darnell is an idiot.

Claire thinks Frank cares more about Freddy than about her.

Claire likes it when Frank gets in Galloway's face.

They have Tusk kill a bird just to show how bad he is?

Saturday, February 15, 2014

The Following S02E04

So Dani Beck has her own cult?

Where have I seen this woman before?

She looks like Maggie Grace!

That elevator had a porthole. Kinda creepy, actually.

They assume Joe will WANT to go back to Emma. But surely there's a reason he never contacted her in the first place.

So who is this Jenna chick?

Well that was an embarassing arrest attempt

This show is not terrific.

They are really heavy on this Windows product placement.

Ohhhhhhhhhh!! Snap!! Maggie Grace lookalike is exes with Debra lookalike!

I liked the other dress better.

House of Cards S02E08: Chapter 21

Does Remy work exclusively for Tusk now? What happened to the company he worked for in season 1?

Rachel's bra is pretty.

And I also like her jeans.

Oh no! What happened to Lisa??

Stamper is not going to be happy that Rachel gave Lisa keys...

Well at least she's letting him know.

I think both Jackie and Remy are very sexy. So I'm totally all for their relationship.

Remy is a really stand-up guy on personal matters.

"You were supposed to tell me to stay" - it's lines like that that make Tricia not totally likeable.

So Claire can admit to having an abortion, but an open relationship with her husband is a scandal?

What was that in the pool? Some sort of pool roomba?

Frank is having ribs on his flight to spite someone who won't even know it.

Quit being creepy, Doug.

Well that's just immature, Frank.

Oh I sure hope Lisa is genuine and not some bait for Rachel.

And of course they kiss. Can't TV show female friendships that are intimate without being romantic/sexual?

You know what Megan needs? Olivia Benson.

House of Cards S02E07: Chapter 20

Linda must be all like "Phew! I'm glad nobody cares about the Chief of Staff"

Tusk. Obviously Tusk.

So is Stamper screwing the waitress to displace his feelings for Rachel?

Ohhhh he's gathering intel.

I can't imagine making myself be unlikeable to work with.

Oooooh, new PR guy is working for Remy! Who IS he??

This episode is packed, but also very slow.

I thought this guy kept Western hours.

Interesting play for Hired Gun PR guy to fess up to Underwood.

This season is all about sexing up Doug.

Those are pretty silk nightgowns, though.

I don't think I'd want to go to China for business. That sounds exhausting.

"Does the VP know Raymond Tusk?" It should be a matter of record that he does, no?

Hmm, why is Jackie stalling on this? She's military. Maybe she was raped?

Hahahaha now Freddy is being courted.

I like Freddy, but I like him as a side character. I don't need him to have his own side plot.

This is some intense running music.

And why do they wear black to go running at night with nothing reflective on them??

House of Cards S02E06: Chapter 19

Another thing I like about Rachel is that she keeps the Peter Russo storyline alive.

Why is Claire trying to make a thing of Christina and the president?

Oh no. Now Tom is going to get in trouble.

I miss Freddy. Frank hasn't been to see Freddy since he became VP.

Speak of the devil!

Ooooh....didn't see that one coming...

She *does* have a sexy voice. (But so does he.)

I will be so mad if Frank decides to destroy Jackie.

(Who's Tricia?)

Again with the mysterious harp music.

Battlefield: White House. "We'll intimidate him with formality" Yikes.

Oh. Tricia is the FLOTUS.

This FBI guy's nose is all smushed.

He's going to throw a really good pitch, isn't he?

I wonder if there will be an assassination attempt at any point.

Oooooh - lights out at Camden Yards! Nice touch!

Hell yeah she's saving herself.

I don't like Tusk, and I don't care for this Underwood vs. Tusk plotline.

Frank should say "You have the plant, but we have the power"


House of Cards S02E05: Chapter 18

Hm. No pre-credits teaser?

Who are these people? Is this the right show? What is happening.

Oh it's a reenactment. But who were those people having sex?

Oh it was this guy. Ohhhh he's a Chinese guy. And those were prostitutes?

I'm kinda glad we don't have to deal with Claire's water charity anymore.

I want The Newsroom to cover House of Cards.

Who is this guy? And this lady?


I kind of like this Feng guy?

He better not kill that guinea pig.

I hate this guy because he threatened the guinea pig.

Haha. Nice entry by the First Lady.

Is this brunette our new nosy reporter lady?

Surely one of these criminal elements that Gavin has helped bust would catch on that he's helping the FBI

I feel like it would really interfere with my reenacting mojo to have tour groups of park rangers and politicians coming through.

I like that this reenactor is really getting to Frank. (Even if that was just a ploy to meet with Feng.)

This president reminds me of the president in Sonic Adventure 2. Especially in this limo scene.

They spent a lot of screen time getting Lucas arrested. More btter come of this than just putting him away.

House of Cards S02E04: Chapter 17

I kind of like smarmy hacker guy.

Mail-based terrorism is so mean. The people who open mail are not the real targets.

Caviar looks gross.

I kinda like Donald Blythe. Partly because I saw that actor on stage in October.

I also like Jackie. She's good.

The advantage to being VP is being able to threaten getting the President involved?

It's unusual for an interviewer to press an issue like this in an exclusive interview...

What. It was brave of her to admit the abortion. It's not that admirable to lie about rape...

Well the rape isn't a lie, but the pregnancy is.

What. She is accusing her rapist on live TV.

This is one hell of an interview.

I want to see Jackie get these votes. I want her to win it for herself.

This just go very, very interesting.

I love seeing Frank's love and admiration and pride as he watches Claire rock this interview.

Friday, February 14, 2014

House of Cards S02E03: Chapter 16

"Door mats and matadors" Nice word play there.

It's David Aceveda!!

Man. The Shield was so good.

Oh good. Focus on Christina. I was afraid she'd fade away.

This press guy (is he a press guy?) is cute.

At least the porn showing up on Lucas' computer is of adult women.

An all night waffle place?? I want one!

Did Lucas get an actual bite from the deep web or is this Stamper's operation?

This MUST be a trap.

Oh good. They haven't got rid of Janine entirely.

Lucas is now going on a Mulder bender about the truth.

This Curtis guy is a douche and a half.

I would never let a stranger listen to my ear buds.

This sandwich analogy is terrible.

Being president seems sucky.

Stamper is the one bringing Rachel unnecessary attention by visiting her.

I'd feel a lot more positive about Stamper's protectiveness towards Rachel if he hadn't taken advantage of her the first time they met.

Jackie's a pain junkie. Interesting.

Stamper's real good at his job and he doesn't have a life.

Polaski? Like Ronette Polaski?

This law-making part of the episode is not so interesting.

I thought the VP leads the senate? What was he doing in congress?

Oh I can't tell the difference.

Really? They're carrying them in? That seems unnecessary.

This *does* seem more efficient than a less manipulated democracy.

Surely the church lady on the bus wasn't entrapping Rachel, right? I mean, she's a church lady.

It's nice to see a male reporter have the Lois Lane complex.

Hey that smarmy guy was the smarmy guy on Person of Interest!

"The altar of democracy"? That doesn't sound very Christian.

In every episode Frank has mentioned his ambition to be president. Subtlety?

House of Cards S02E02: Chapter 15

It's pretty vile that they're using Christina now.

Frank might be getting too evil. As fun as it is to watch him maneuver, where's the moral dilemma? Are we just enjoying him being bad?

I like this Chief Deputy wannabe lady.

I hope this Dalton guy isn't someone else that Claire has fucked. How boring if all her skeletons are just bedfellows.

Nice shot with the statue placement there.

Interesting seeing the little ways the Vice Presidency affects Frank's life - having to check with security if Claire is alone before seeing her in the bathroom.

Oooh, so more than just an old boyfriend. Did he impregnate her? Rape her? Still something sex-related, but at least not an old flame.

Oh yeah, I forgot this guy played Zoe's boss in the first season. He's still kicking in POI, right?

That was the most aggressive bestowing of a medal I've ever seen.

I like this close up of ex-editor guy. Nice shot.

I wonder if Lucas lost weight for this season. He looks gaunt. And we didn't see much of him pre-grief.

Very mysterious music in this little scene with Claire on the staircase. Harp?

If this show keeps escalating at this right, I can't imagine it staying solid past a third season.

Yep. Rape. Not sure how I feel about that.

There wasn't anything in the recap about her photographer lover.

I don't entirely understand what happened with China.

Also, the prez is suddenly no longer hiding his friendship with Tusk. Why?

How can Frank get away with playing everyone against each other? I feel like I or anyone else would be immediately exposed.

This president is such a patsy. Will they ever show him having a backbone?

Lots of meaningful looks at the camera from Frank, but less monologuing.

Is Jackie the Russo of this season?

Nice shot with Frank and Claire's heads lined up with the chairs in the living room.

Oh Lucas. What are you getting yourself into?

The Following S02E03

OOooh, I bet Dani Beck is a Follower.

I think it's pretty obvious what Ryan is doing, Iceman.

Hardy's eyes look especially did in this scene in the Joe-hunt room.

"Utopian slut palace" is a good album name.

He tells you he's a sociopath so you decide to go with him? Nice one, Emma.

Joe's like "Well that was unexpected. Cool!"

Well that was a creepy little smile.

I hope that wasn't "mother" in the literal sense...

Is this the same Stand by Me cover from the Hannibal preview? Or are Ben E. King covers just in vogue right now?

House of Cards S02E01: Chapter 14

This season 1 recap is already riveting.

Who is this Jackie woman? Is she new?

Frank is just too smooth. These guys do exactly what he expects them to.

She didn't even check the cards for checks? I guess people don't give congressmen checks.

I am so glad Rachel hasn't been directly exposed to Frank.

The VP lives in a Naval Observatory?

Zoe *would* text "I gotta go" instead of just not responding.

You and ME, Frank.

Really? He wants to continue his relationship with Zoe into his Vice Presidency?

It would be interesting to compare Underwood and his wife to Masters and his wife. (House of Cards/Masters of Sex)

The guy who plays Freddy was a villain in something, wasn't he?

Hmmm. What's Claire's game? Just getting out of the lawsuit?

And what made her change her mind about the baby? Getting even with whatserface?

Ooooooh. Freddy was in Se7en. Did he have any scenes with Kevin Spacey?


Wow. HUGE twist right in the first episode!!!

The way Netflix releases the whole season at once, spoilers are kind of an all or nothing game, I guess. Might as well kill off a major character right off the bat.

Frank hasn't talked to the camera at all yet this season.

Janine knows the score. She's getting out of town.

Haha. FU

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Space Dandy S01E01: "Live With the Flow, Baby"

I finished Samurai Champloo (even though I stopped blogging it) and I'm told that this is by the same guy.

His space drink is a rainbow!

Is that robot the same voice actor as Fuu?

I am not getting into this as quickly as Samurai Champloo. But that's a tall order. I'll give it time.

Uh. What?

Person of Interest S03E14

I'm glad Shaw saw that moment as slightly erotic as I did.

I love the score in this episode, as always.

Kind of a run of the mill episode.

The Walking Dead S04E09

Nice little look at Michonne's life from before

What was your plan here, Carl?

Nice little monologue for Carl, but some weird editing.

Good episode for getting back into the swing of things.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

The After S01E01: Pilot

There aren't enough clown characters

Real good job of building tension so far.

I don't know what's going on. In a good way.


Why'd she come back?? They're safer down there anyway

This non-descript catastrophe atmosphere is really interesting.

So we have Cockney guy, rich old lady, main French lady, the clown, the innocent prisoner, the high powered lawyer, the prostitute, and the cop lady

What is this, Identity?

So where's Graziela?

Why did they run into the woods instead of staying in the house?


Okay, I'm still not sure what this show is about. But. Y'know. Chris Carter.

Law & Order: SVU S15E13: Wednesday's Child

Get your shit together, Rawlins!

Hmm, who plays the child broker? Where do I know her from?

omg she's Patti Mayonnaise

They get Rosanna Arquette on the show and waste her as a child pornographer?

Why would this guy bother running off with Nicki. Surely the kid isn't owrht it. Why not just abandon him?

The answer to "Where would Roger go?" is "To get Chinese food"?

How do you rebuild THAT family?

The biological clock ticking at the end there is a little dumb.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Samurai Champloo S01E06: Stranger Searching (The Red-Haired Foreigner)

Even I can tell that this guy is a gaijin

Oohhhh right, Europeans weren't allowed in Japan in this time period.

"I always have room for free food" Fuu is my kinda gal!

Why do those guys have baskets on their heads?

Neat, kabuki!

The X-Files S06E09: S.R. 819

When the the agents get tired of saving Scully they have to save Skinner.

Wait, is he really dead?

Why is this boxing gym so dark?

I would like an episode where Mulder is on a jury.

Wasn't that kid at the gym?

I wonder if David Duchovny ever brings a gun with him into parking garages just in case.

This warehouse reminds me of the final scene in Man Bites Dog. Pigeons and everything.

Wait, what about the plasmapharesis?

Nanotechnology! THE FUTURE!!

Man, imagine what long-haired-dude could do with a smartphone!

Is this some sort of watershed episode?

Krycek?? (When did we last see him? Why is he bald?)