Friday, January 31, 2014

Law & Order SVU S15E12: Betrayal's Climax

I just want to go on record that this is the stupidest episode title in the history of SVU.

Good thing Benson shows up early in the alphabet so she gets her Sargeant diploma quickly.

I want Rawlins to come talk me down from a ledge

This victim is really sympathetic without being a total sob-story.

Uh oh. Motorcycles.

This episode wants to be The Shield.

The gang leader's name is OG? Reeeeeal original.

“My name is Walter Hartwell White...” Oh.

They showed her the apology before they told her what it was for.

What happened to the 'round-the-clock protection??

Hahahaha, Barba wants to make him rat on his own gang.

“I have the biggest gang in the city” Really, Benson? You're calling the NYPD a gang?

Come on, Liv. You know what happened to Alex Cabot when a gang leader threatened her.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

American Horror Story S03E13

What is happening? Stevie Nicks music video?

This is like when the students at Hogwarts study for their OWLs

And now they're coming down the stairs like it's The Bachelor

Zoe looks weird in that turtleneck thing.

Whaaaaat? She turned to ashes?

Transmutation is high-speed tag?

Is Kyle the Supreme?

Ugh is the Supreme none of the above?

This is like the witch olympics

Oooooh.... is Fiona inside Madison!!! She did the same lighter thing, didn't she?

Spalding's going to bury her? He doesn't want to keep her as a plaything?

Nice shot of Cordelia with Fiona's portrait behind her.

Of course Myrtle goes to the stake in a fabulous red dress.

Was Marie Laveau the last voodoo practitioner?

Ooh, of course Fiona is still alive

While they're having this lovely mother-daughter chat, there's all those witches standing in line and waiting.

Is this Fiona's hell? Living on the Ax Man's farm?

But I thought she had no soul? How can she go to hell? Or was Papa Legba lying?

That was a silly final shot. Meh.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

The Following S02E02

Hey it's Carrie Preston!

Nice product placement there for Microsoft

The new FBI lady looks just like the old FBI lady.

Shows with sneaky French ladies: The Following, Orphan Black

Was subway survivor on SVU, maybe? One of the short-lived ADAs?

Emma (is that her name with the Miley-hawk?) thinks she's the head cult-member 'cause she had sex with Joe.

These are the creepiest/craziest twins since Breaking Bad. And they're even more deranged.

"The classifieds" are now just craigslist.

I'm kind of glad that Ryan's reluctance to get involved was a pretense. That would have been too trite.

It's neat that we're finding out more about Joe Carroll's book this season.

It's hard to believe this bearded hermit psycho was once the good guy knight in shining armor in A Knight's Tale.

This art gala is a total Batman set-up.

"Now Ryan, which door am I at?" Oh, K-Will. You love your two-masked-killer plots don't you?

There are lots of not-in-their-20s-or-early-30s women in this show. Nice.

Joe's relationship with Carrie Preston's daughter is going to be important.

Emma's gonna be all like "Why didn't Joe tell ME he's alive?"

It's okaaaay Joe killed a reverend because the reverend went to prostitutes.

Aha! Art lady WAS on SVU. She was Dani Beck!

Sunday, January 26, 2014

The Following S02E01

As I recall, season 1 ended with everyone implicitly dead. Let's see who sticks.

Ugh. I forgot how awesome Claire's eyebrows are.

Great generic ER talk: "She's bleeding out! We're losing her"

Thanks for pointing out you're only five months sober. Nice exposition.

I bet the boyfriend is a follower. And/or the niece will end up in danger.

Who is this sponsor guy?

Kevin Williamson really likes to use anniversaries.

It's really creepy that it's not even a particularly crowded train car.

So Mr. Slick is a total psycho in addition to being just bad news.

Walking away from the case: smart and healthy. Secret Joe Carroll investigation room: not so healthy.

At least the niece is in on it with him. That's slightly less unhealthy.

I like the niece's eyeshadow. Nice color. Especially with her hair.

They confirm pretty early that Carroll's still alive. No teasing that one out.

Wow. This TV hotel room actually looks like a hotel room.

Where have I see subway survivor lady before? That's not Jessica Chastain is it? Or the chick from The Killing?

The X-Files S06E08: The Rain King

Oooh, a Valentine's Day episode!

This guy is a real asshole.

Aww, the hail is heart-shaped.

That bow in this secretery's hair makes her look like a Christmas present.

That's twice this episode the agents have been mistaken for a mrried couple.

So is the catch that it's blondie that can control the weather?

There hasn't been a really good scary or suspenseful episode in a while.

Don't get me wrong, I love the silly ones. But they only work because the show is usually serious.

Or is it the meteorologist the one doing it? He gave the power to Darryl so he'd leave blondie?

I'm just one step ahead of this episode...

Blondie reminds me of Audrey from Little Shop of Horrors.

Mulder and Scully swaying together is the best part of this episode so far.

Not so subtle rainbow in the background there.

Kind of a filler episode. I thought the Mulder love-triangle was unnecessary.

The X-Files S06E07: Terms of Endearment

Man, being pregnant seems terrifying.

Wait, was Wayne Bruce Campbell??

Is this Spender? Yep.

I love that Mulder is digging through Spender's trash for cases.

They have Scully running FBI job interviews?

How can Bruce Campbell hear Scully on the other end of the phone line through the baby monitor?

The house ooks like the one from House of the Devil.

Why is Bruce Campbell crying? Did the demon baby not turn out right?

How can he afford two wives and two houses? (At least two...)

This poor woman. She seems so normal compared to most X-File ladies.

The Devil listens to Garbage??

Mulder and Scully should investigate the Roanoke disappearance.

Is Bruce Campbell trying to have a non-devil baby, is that what's going on?

That warm milk is glowing. I would never drink something that is glowing. Particularly milk.

Hahahaha I love Bruce's other wife. She ain't buying into this devil bullshit.

Betsy is what?? What was he digging up??

Is Betsy also a devil?

And why does Bruce Cmpbell have stitches in his cheeks?

Aww, he gave Laura her soul back. How seet.

I like this episode. I like the twist of the devil trying to have a normal baby.

Friday, January 24, 2014

The X-Files S06E06: How the Ghosts Stole Christmas

Is this another silly episode? Did they just not know what to do after the movie?

A left cheek sneak, Mulder?

Guest starring Lily Tomlin??

And Ed Asner?

Man, Scully's such a nag.

This skeptic monologue must have been a bitch to memorize.

Hey Scully, they shut down the X-files so let's go ghost hunting.

I do love haunted house stories, though

"Why's all the furniture covered?"
"We're having the house painted."
"Well then where's your Christmas tree?"
"We're Jewish."

I'm not entirely sure what's goin on. What are Lily and Ed up to?

Whaaaat? Why did Mulder go all Jack Torrance?

Is there going to be some amnesia at the end of this episode, too?

So Mulder who shot Scully was just ghost Lily?

What? What's happening?

Oh. Now Scully was ghost Lily. I get it.

Actually no, that doesn't really explain anything.

These ghosts are not benign entities, Mulder.

These gunshot wounds don't seem so bad.

Oh, I guess they're not real.

I don't understaaaaand.

Folie a deux?

Did Mulder get Scully a dildo? That looks like it could be a dildo.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

American Horror Story S03E12

The seven wonders: telekinesis, mind control, transmutation, divination, did I miss one - something about a bird? or was that divination, vitum vitalis, descenum, pyrokinesis,

This is some effed up Melies shit.

Marie Laveaux went missing? *checks notes* Oh yeah. Spalding beat her up.

"I don't have any secrets" Didn't Fiona say that, too?

Shows with fried chicken: American Horror Story: Coven, Breaking Bad, LOST

Papa Legba is kind of cute.

Does Cordelia have future sight now?

Maybe QUeenie IS the next supreme!

How did they afford tickets back to NOLA?

I like FrankenKyle

Get 'er, Misty!

"This is awesome!" I agree, Queenie.

It's true, Fiona does have great cheekbones.

Awww, poor Ax Man.

But what happened to little Fiona's little calico cat??

Well either Cordelia's future vision was wrong or her past vision is wrong.

Okay, everyone have a go at the Ax Man!

Isn't that how he got killed the first time? Stabbed by a bunch of witches?

Wait, what is this jump back in time?

Oh is Marie in heaven? Or is Delphine in hell?

"Sunday at dawn it begins"? I think you mean "Next Wednesday on FX!"

Law & Order: SVU S15E11: Jersey Breakdown

Yay! A classic opening scne. Been a while.

Amaro is a loose cannon.

Liv is being real hostile with this victim.

Haha it's Chazz Palmentieri

She's totally going to escape down that tree.

Yay! Rubirosa!

Barba is totally slumming it in Jersey. Even I can tell his suit cost more than the combined wardrobes of everyone else in the room.

I would totally fire Amaro. Like, a season ago.

So Benson couldn't go to Jersey City, but she can go to the Delaware border?

Is the judge the rapist? That would be too rich.

"Jump in the car. Jump in there, sweetie." That's some dialogue, there.

Second generation lowlife? When they'd talk about her first generation?

Judge can't be the rapist. Claire would have recognized him, right?

Whaaaaaat? I wouldn't think the news would report that the judge's suicide is harakiri.

The way that cop added "sweetheart" when talking to Rawlins was way too intentional.

Wait, so what did Maria say?

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

The X-Files S06E05: Dreamland: Part 2

This sounds/looks like Arrested Development...

Scully doesn't like the "new" Mulder.

Is Michael McKean trying to play Mulder, or was this always his personality.

Aww, is Scully gonna have sex with Mulder without Mulder getting to do it?

General Wegman? I bet he has the best groceries in the US Airforce.

Why is it that whenever anyone is in Mulder's body the first thing they discover is that he has no social life? And then tries to get it on with Scully.

"Special Tramp Dana Scully" I want that on a mug.

"Are you or are you not interested in the classified information I have to give you?" Subtle voice message, bro. Real slick.

Okay, let's see who this leak is.

It's Wegman!

Poor JoAnn

Lots of neat mirror shots - in the bedroom, in the bathroom...

Bathroom par-tay!

The two Mulder/Morris are working together!

So..the Lone Gunmen live together? Are they in some sort of triad relationship?

"I work in Area 51. I assumed Mulder's identity through a warp in the spacetime continuum." Awesome.

I love that Fletcher recognizes them as the Lone Gunmen.

Aww, Wegman is such a cutie asking Mulder if aliens really exist.

This scene with the kissing couple being melded together is more like the beginning of an episode.

I would like a Freaky Friday episode where Mulder and Scully switch bodies.

That would be a funny/sad way for the X-Files to end. Or for Mulder's story to end. For Mulder to have to put Michael McKean's kids through college.

Is this episode supposed to be canon, or does the title "Dreamland" suggest it's outside the continuity?

The warp is reversing itself?

Wait, were they wearing the same outfits?

Haha, his apartment is going to be all different.

So nobody remembers what happened? But shouldn't Scully still be suspended?

The X-Files S06E04: Dreamland: Part 1

That was a very abrupt sound cue when the other car appeared.

Is that whatsisface?

The X-files theme song is beginning to have the same effect on me as the L&O:SVU theme: immediate calming and relaxation, as if satisfying a deep craving.

Is this the Freaky Friday episode of The X-Files?

Michael McKean! That's who that is. I just saw him in All the way! Heh, and he played J. Edgar Hoover, too :)

How does Michael McKean know so much about Mulder and Scully?

And he called her Dana! Shouldn't that tip her off?

Ooooh, maybe Michael McKean is the leak!

So who'd the pilot switch minds with?

"Never ever do that again" my ass.

OMG. Mulder dancing in the mirror as Michael McKean is the best thing I've ever seen.

This is maybe the most intentionally ridiculous episode since Jose Chung.

Which was weirder for Mulder to say, "Time you got your panites on straight" or "It's time we go by the book"?

That's a nice touch - the eleven cents fused together.

Aww, Mulder's trying to do right by Michael McKean's wife.

What the hell is bipong?

Also another neat touch - the mirror adjustment going from showing Mulder to showing other Mulder.

Aww, poor Mulder.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Samurai Champloo S01E05: Artistic Anarchy (Falling on Deaf Ears)

Scummy artist = scummy photographer. Some things never change.

Is this going to be one of those thing where Fuu gets kidnapped every episode?

These guys are the worst yakuza ever.

This artist is kind of funny.

So is the detective guy.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Samurai Champloo S01E04: Hellhounds for Hire, Part 2 (Tacit Understanding)

Why won't O-Suzu leave?

What is this kid crying about? How annoying!

Hmmm, so is the Sunflower Samurai her father or something?

Japanese words I know: chi (blood)

Hooray animal sidekick!!

Who was supposed to be the dice-roller?

Samurai Champloo S01E03: Hellhounds for Hire, Part 1 (Tacit Understanding)

I wish I were good enough at fighting to just start fights for fun.

Mugen sounds kind of like Zoro from One Piece. *Checks IMDB* It IS Zoro!!

Japanese words I know: chikara (strength/power)

Ah, the ole' Yojimbo plotline.

Mugen sounds like Zoro, but has some traits of Luffy.

The leader of the Kawara gang looks like Beat Takeshi.

Jin looks pretty good as a woman.

Person of Interest S03E13

Too bad it's not Oceanic Airlines

This is a nice set up for a bottle episode.

Blankets for everyone!

Ripping cases from the headlines, eh, POI?

Finch/Reese slash is my favorite slash.

Samurai Champloo S01E02: Redeye Reprisal (Pandemonium)

Japanese words I know: hana (flower), onna (woman), koroshiya (assassin), yamete (stop/don't), doushite (why)

I wasn't entirely sure what was going on earlier in this episode, but it's starting to come together.

I love that. When someone in an anime tries to get revenge on the protagonist and the protagonist doesn't remember who the guy is. (I've seen it here and in One Piece)

Gee, it's a good thing you have the antidote to the poison on you, baka.

This big guy's weakness is low self esteem.

The one-armed guy is a lot uglier than the big guy who is supposed to be so monstrously ugly.

Samurai Champloo S01E01: Tempestuous Temperaments

Japanese words I know: mizu (water), taskete (help me), yume (dream), ie (no), hai (yes)

Come at me, bros!

"Did you understand what I just said?"
"Not a word."

This is scratching my anime itch, but exacerbating my samurai itch.

Why did that guy set the place on fire??

Is this an animal sidekick? It is! Yay!

I would say it's gratuitous for Fuu's boobs to bounce like that when she runs, but it's pretty realistic.

Oh. They were bombs. Not boobs.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

American Horror Story S03E11

If Nan were here she could probably hear Misty.

Wait, Queenie? Yay! Queenie's back!

Nan gets to be buried in that cemetery? How'd they pull that one off?

Also, how'd they get to film in a New Orleans ceremony? I thought that was forbidden after Easy Rider? Maybe it's a sound stage.

There is shit in that soup, Myrtle.

Who Dat? haha Oh, Angela.
Uh oh. What's in the biscuits?
Ooh, artsy upside-down shot!

I never want Kathy Bates to recite nursery rhymes for me ever.
Doesn't anyone wonder what happened to Misty?
What's happening with the Ax Man? A lot of these plots seem to be stagnating.
You think your daddy's farm is still there, Ax Man?
Sadism isn't a hobby, Delphine.
Is Delphine being sent on a quest?
Is Myrtle Snow related to Jon Snow?
Spalding is totally playing Delphine. Benadryl? Sure, that might put her to sleep, I guess...
I like that Myrtle has a special wooden box for the tickets to Epcot.
Oh look! Another upside-down shot!
I like the way Fiona whispered, "Do you want something?" to Marie. Like asking her was a secret.
Why did any of the witch hunters think this meeting was a good idea, again?
Is Marie just checking her cell phone? HAHAHAHAHA
Did Spalding just use the rare baby doll to clock Marie over the head?
Oh Spalding. You are a gas. Oh. The real baby. Oh no. What are you going to do with that baby, Spalding?
Is this bus going to crash? Or explode or something?

Attack on Titan S01E25: Stohess District Raid, Part 3

"The Wall"

I hope if/when Erwin dies he goes out as a total badass hero.

These Church guys MUST know that humans built the wall, right? I mean, 100 years isn't THAT long.

I bet Eren could learn a lot from Annie. (I think I said that last time before my notes got deleted)

Who's the singer on this music that plays during Lady Titan fight music? I like her voice.

Destroying the city where all the privileged people live is not a good idea for Eren's future liberty.

Why is everything on fire?

What is this story book-ending the commercial break? What am I supposed to take away from this?

Those two Titan skeletons look like they're doing it.

I think more than half of Mikasa's dialogue is just "Eren"

Are human-Titans really the same as Titans? And surely they're not all enemies.

Questions for next season:

What's the deal with the key? And Eren's dad?

What is Annie's story?

What are the different types of Titans?

Attack on Titan S01E23 & S01E24: Stohess District Raid, Parts 1 & 2

"Smile" & "Compassion"

My computer crashed a few minutes before the end of episode 24, so I lost all my notes. It amounted to: I like Annie. What's her story? Oh. Annie is the female Titan. So much for that.

The X-Files S06E03: Triangle


How many times in this series do they lead you to believe Mulder is dead?

A time warp? Seriously?

Why would Mulder think that they're all wrong and that they've been transported to the future and not that HE is wrong, and he got transported to the past?


This episode is silly.

Of course the smoking man is a Nazi.

This episode feels like it wants to be The Twilight Zone.

Why was everyone on the elevator looking at Scully weird?

Who knew that Scully was so effective at threatening people?

Scully is not having a good day.

But why is she acting so crazy?

Are they trying to show that she doesn't really fit in with other FBI people?

Blatant Terminator homage?

It's an interesting episode aesthetically, at least.

"I love you"
Awwwwwww. :)

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Attack on Titan S01E22: The 57th Expedition, Part 6

"The Vanquished"

I guess it makes sense story-wise for Eren to be alive in lady Titan's mouth because she wanted him alive.

I'm going to name this Titan Lola. As in Run, Lola, Run (If only her hair was red)

What, no shots of Petra's family?

Really? You think "Missing in Action" is better for their families than saying ther were eaten?

Dieter is cute.

Ooooh, Dieter went back for Ivan.

This show is pretty unrelenting.

Oh. There's Petra's father.

Attack on Titan S01E21: The 57th Expedition, Part 5

"Iron Hammer"

This new theme is growing on me.

I don't remember anyone theorizing that about the Colossal Titan. Did I miss an episode, or is this how we're learning that information?

Ah! Erd!


This is one tough lady!

Is Eren gonna transform?? Yes.

Auruo is dead? When did that happen? I should maybe pay closer attention...

Yeah! Yell at her! Right in her face!

Where's the rest of the regiment??

I"d say "That's some bullshit if Eren survives being eaten twice," but I want him to.

I also want to find out more about this lady titan before she bites it.

Attack on Titan S01E20: The 57th Expedition, Part 4

"Erwin Smith"

When did they figure out that there's a person inside the Colossal TItan? Did I miss that? Or did they just make that jump without telling us?

Japanese words I know: kowai (scary), kawaii (cute)

What. They suddenly suspect other people in the unit of being able to turn into a Titan?

How can there be a spy when the Titans don't have their own strategy?

What? We lost Chalet's rider? When did that happen?

And are Eren and Armin in the same place or having the same conversation in two different places?

Levi is referring to the person inside the Titan as the "real" person. What does that mean, ideologically, for the person to be the "true" form and not the Titan?

Teenagers in anime are always so passionate about each other. When they have feelings for someone they don't go halfway.

Why protect the female Titan to the death? That's not the primary objective of the expedition. Oh good. They're retreating.

What? How could the person inside the female Titan be a scout?

Law & Order: SVU S15E10: Amaro's One-Eighty

We've never seen the unit socialize as much as we have this season.

"Nice triage. You saved his life." Well done, Detective Amaro!

Amaro gets into so much trouble. How does he still have a job?

The translator is an "it"?

Why don't cops ever cooperate with their reps/delegates?

Ahhhhh!!! It's Simmons! He got out of Person of Interest and into SVU!

It's odd tht they'd allow Cassidy to investigate this case, given his conflict of interest.

IA/Simmons is being a lot more respectful and sympathetic and less baiting than he has been in the past.

Get back inside, Amaro.

Amaro has a worse temper than Stabler did.

I miss Munch, too.

Liv and Cassidy have an awful nice apartment for two cops who don't spend a lot of time at home.

Aww, Amaro gets to talk to Munch and we don't get to even hear him?

Is the show is going to get rid of Amaro, do they need to be so dramatic about it?

Ohhhh and Amaro's delegate is Alicia Corwin from POI!

Hate crime? Amaro didn't know what color the kid was when he shot him.

And why is McKenna throwing Amaro under the bus. Oh. To save her own skin.

Nick Amaro don't take no one's advice, man.

Well he answered the grand juror's question pretty eloquently.

I'm just glad this isn't a two-parter. (Knock on wood. There's still 5 minutes)

Officer? He's a detective.

I'm gonna miss Cragen. And now Benson is the only original cast member left in the squad.

Will Munch come back as captain!?!? (Probably not, but that would be awesome.)

Benson's eyeliner is impeccable and it never ever smears or smudges or runs.

Or Stabler?? Stabler could some back as Captain! (Unlikely.)

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Attack on Titan S01E18 & S01E19: The 57th Expedition, Part 2 & 3

"Forest of Giant Trees"

I ship Reiner and Christa.

I want to go horseback riding

Eren has power brows fo' sho'

This is some dramatic fight music. Is that violin?

Really? Spinning the guy like a lasso?

But seriously, what's up with those boobs?

Now, on Erwin - THOSE are some brows.

I don't understand what's happening with this forest strategy.

Japanese words I know: mori (forest)

Levi's hairline suggests hair plugs.

Look how bouncy Eren's hair is!

Eren's not so good a this following orders thing.

Does he have to be angry? Like the Hulk?

That was neat - Levi telling the troops to calm down and Eren thinking he as speaking to him.

I <3 Hanji

Attack on Titan S01E17: The 57th Expedition, Part 1

"Female Titan"

Of course even though they have no genitalia, "normal" Titans are male. So obviously this female one is a weirdo.

I like Jean.

I like this song playing while they're chasing the lady Titan.

Well, the one that was playing at first. This other song is a bit too much.

What kind of breasts are thos, anyway? It doesn't have nipples.

Too bad. I liked Reiner :(

Oh he's alive!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Attack on Titan S01E16: Eve of the Counteroffensive, Part 3

"What Should I Do Now"

I bet it was Carol. Carol killed the test subjects.

I like their capes.

I saw a girl on the bus today wearing a hoodie with the Scout Regiment emblem.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Person of Interest S03E12

Smoot! That's an MIT joke!

I want some Root/Machine slashfic.

254 wendell st, cambridge, ma - I google maps-ed it. It's right near Harvard.

Amy Acker is crazy good.

I love the score in this show. I'd love to seen an orchestra play it live.

Young Harold is a fox.

How was Carter's death the machine's fault?

This episode has epilogue after epilogue...

Attack on Titan S01E15: Eve of the Counteroffensive, Part 2

"Special Tactical Force"

I'm sure this new theme will grow on me. But I still prefer the other one.

I think an Attack on Titan tabletop game would be fun.

Petra looks like such a typical anime girl.

Hanzi is crazy. I like her.

This is a job for the Military Police? I bet it's the Military Police that did this.

Attack on Titan S01E14: Eve of the Counteroffensive, Part 1

"Still Can't Look Him In the Eye"

Levi has those "I don't give a shit about you" anime eyebrows.

What? What the hell?? They changed to a new theme song! But I wanted to hear the other one again :(

You can tell the people in this area are rich because that one guy is wearing a top hat.

I don't really think those restraints would hold him if he tried to transform...

That was an extremely fast first half of the episode.

"You're bent over on your knees which makes you easy to kick"

Ohhhhh Levi's proving a point!!

No half-measures, Walter.

Attack on Titan S01E13: Attack on Trost, Part 9

"Primal Desire"

Okay, I admit I'm only watching another episode because I have the theme song stuck in my head and I want to hear it again.

The problem with this "was" is that the "enemy" is a predator. Can you call a natural predator a martial opponent?

And thus can Eren be a traitor?

They should have some sort of armor that deters the soldiers from being grabbed. Spikes or something. Once a Titan has a soldier in its fist he's a goner.

So much anime is about fighting and being strong.

Japanese words I know: minna (everyone), oretachi (we), kuso (damn/shit), matte (wait), baka (stupid), bakemono (monster), kazoku (family), kaizoku (pirate - but not used in this series!), demo (but), nakama (comrade)

So Eren is like the Hulk?

Both Ichigo in Bleach and Eren here had their mothers killed by monsters, and become part monster themselves. Hollows : Titans :: Ichico : Eren

Attack on Titan S01E11 & S01E12: Attack on Trost, Parts 7&8


I like seeing the different generations of soldiers.

The plan is not for soldiers to die. Why is this person with the glasses talking like that's going to happen no matter what?


Well this isn't going according to plan at all!

They place so much emphasis on whether a soldier's life is given in vain or if he made a difference.

The shorter Titans are especially ugly

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Attack on Titan S01E09 & S01E10: Attack on Trost, Parts 5 & 6

"What Happened to His Left Arm?"

Wait, so Eren turned into a Titan??

But Eren didn't kill anyone humans as a Titan...

How is this treason?

He can turn into a Titan at will? That seems like a bad idea...

"The Response"

That's a neat aspect of the Titans - that they're really hot

Armin, I couldn't care less about your inner monologue right now.

Mikasa, you should know better than if you insist on going with Eren then Armin will too.

Is that Pyxis! Yay! I knew I liked Pyxis

Attack on Titan S01E07 & S01E08: Attack on Trost, Parts 3 & 4

"The Tiniest of Blades"

I kind of miss Eren now

"I Hear His Heartbeat"

This strategic stuff is not so interesting.

Is Eren inside that one Titan or something?


That's kind of silly, but yay! I'll take it.

Ohhhh, did he regenerate like the Titan?

Attack on Titan S01E05 & S01E06: Attack on Trost, Parts 1&2

"First Battle"

Kyojin, not to be confused with gyojin

I want one of those jackets with the rose emblem. They're neat. I'm sure I could get one on eBay.

I can already tell I'm supposed to hate Lord Wald.


That guy got eaten! I forget his name and who he was, but he got eaten!

Eren isn't gonna last long if he tries to avenge every single person who gets eaten individually.

I guess Eren snatching Armin out of the TItan's throat is what is known as "plot shield"

Did Eren just get eaten??

"The World Seen by a Young Girl"

So is Armin the main character now?

So much for plot shield...

Mikasa is a good soldier.

Are we finally going to find out her deal?

So...Eren was always a little nuts

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Attack on Titan S01E04: Night of the Detachment Ceremony - Humanity's Comeback, Part 2

I'm going to have to start blogging these episodes two at a time, I think.

This song during the opening training sequence is awesome.

I always hate how anime characters seem to be able to fly when they jump. I'm glad this series gives them the gear to have that ability.

Annie's kinda hot.

But if she doesn't want to "play soldier" why is she a cadet?

I'm pretty sure I wouldn't like Eren very much. He's so self-righteous.

Also, who is the mangaka? The style kind of reminds me of Bleach sometimes?

I don't understand's Mikasa's relationship to Eren. Are they siblings? Just close friends?

How did Colossal Titan just appear out of nowhere?? How do you not see that coming??

Attack on Titan S01E03: A Dim Light Amid Despair - Humanity's Comeback, Part 1

I like potato girl (obviously.)

I really want a Mulan-style training montage

Attack on Titan S01E02: That Day - The Fall of Shiganshina, Part 2

The titans are actually pretty scary.

Attack on Titan S01E01: To You, in 2000 Years - The Fall of Shiganshina: Part 1

I wasn't really digging Black Butler, but have an anime itch to scratch. So let's try Attack on Titan!

This opening theme is pretty epic.

See? This is much more engaging than Black Butler. There's a clear story here.

His dad's not coming back, is he?

Black Butler S01E02: His Butler, Strongest

I'm gonna give this show another shot. Right now I'm not sure if I'll stick with it.

Wait, last episode he said he didn't like leaving games unfinished.

Okay, Sebastian is supernatural. How does that really change anything?

This whole anime just seems like a set up for some shota yaoi doujinshi.

American Horror Story S03E10

This is a nice shot, with Fiona in the mirror behind Marie.

Surely Marie is faking this gratitude, right?

Is that supposed to be Papa Legba?

So...Marie Laveau achieves immortality by killing babies?

I've missed this show.

Special appearances by Stevie Nicks!?!?!

No matter how many times someone is warned about Fiona, Fiona always gets to them.

This special piano performance by Stevie is at once awesome and cheesy.

Marie Laveau/Fiona Goode slash must be real weird.

You ARE the shit, Angela.

I loved New Orleans. I want to go back there.

I would not get rid of that shawl.

"Don't be a hater, dear" I want a t-shirt picture of Myrtle playing the theremin that says that on it.

Is that cocaine supposed to be an offering to Papa Legba?


Hahahaha. Fiona has no soul to sell. It's like when zombies came for Homer Simpson's brain and there was nothing there.

Or when Bart sold his soul, I guess.

Nan isn't an innocent. She just killed the neighbor lady.

Well I guess she was close enough! what did they do with the baby?

So Taissa Farmiga is the only witch that nobody has tried to kill. (Except for Stevie)

The X-Files S06E02: Drive

Does Mulder have a new haircut this season?

This episode is important because it sets up Breaking Bad :)

Scully should probably wear a mask when she does on autopsy on a mysterious death

The X-Files S06E01: The Beginning

Who is that woman?
Ooooh she was the voice of Chicha in The Emperor's New Groove

Aww, chess boy saved Mulder and Scully from Smoking Man

The guy who works at the nuclear power plant is named Homer? hehe

Don't tell me the alien is in the power plant. How did it get in there??

How did Spender get there before Mulder and Scully?

It's a good thing the mind-reader is an adorable little kid and not a full grown adult.

Is it really necessary for so much of this episode to be so darkly lit?

That's David Aceveda from The Shield!!

That zoom in on the new AD certainly was ominous

Friday, January 10, 2014

Black Butler S01E01: His Butler, Able

I know that voice. Who is that voice actor??

Is that supposed to be Luffy's straw hat?

I don't know anything about this show. I'm just watching because Mallory Ortberg is watching.

So...what's happening here?

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Law & Order: SVU S15E09: Psycho Therapist

Was the guy on the elevator real, or was she imagining it? Imagination, right?

Jolly Abraham?

Yeah, elevator guy wasn't real because real guy has a huge scar.

I don't think Barba could LET Lewis lie on the stand for a plea, could he?

He wants to represent himself? Kinda cliched.

His scar looks like Mike Tyson's face tattoo

Why do they keep showing this red haired juror?

They're speeding through this trial, which means there's going to be some other twist. Yay!

When rape victims testify at trial, they must relive the ordeal. The show gives us literal flashbacks by replaying scenes from that episode.

Thus the flashbacks serve two purposes - a storytelling device to remind the viewer what happened, and to rekindle the viewer's heightened sense of drama from that episode, giving this courtroom-based episode more urgency.

Has Benson ever fibbed on the stand before?

Why is he yelling? There is no need to yell.

Why isn't anyone stopping him?

But they don't pick a foreperson until all testimony is complete. At least in Massachusetts...

Isn't Lewis the one on trial here? He's not trying to prove that Benson beat him, he's trying to prove that he didn't kidnap her.

He still needs to be tried for the rape of that other lady and murder of her husband, right?

"It's over"? I doubt it.

Oh shit. Is he going to die? Is Benson going to be charged with murder?

Or is he just trying to escape?

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

The X-Files (Bowman, 1998)

This movie better have the theme song.

There it is. Kind of.

So there are these two people walking in the snow. Mulder and Scully? It's West Texas. Why is there snow? Oh. It's in prehistoric times. Wampas?

What is this cave. Oh, a monster is here. An alien? Ancient alien astronaut? Why did the cavemen go in this cave?

The caveman just killed the alien and OH NO HE'S RELEASD THE BLACK OIL!

This kid is like a little Boomhauer.

Boomhauer kid is so dead.
Who's this guy getting off the helicopter?

I don't know what's happening but I know it's ominous and dramatic because the music IS SO OMINOUS AND DRAMATIC.

Terry O'Quinn!

11:45 is the first appearance of Scully. And She's on the phone with Mulder.

I think Mulder's "panic" face is the same as his "sexy" face.

Is there an x-file behind that vending machine? I would like an entire movie of Mulder looking for x-files where there are none.

Terry O'Quinn had a moustache last time he appeared on The X-Files, too. I forget which episode that was.

Push the button, Locke!

I hope this bomb was planted by an alien.

Suicide by terrorist plot?

I'm surprised Scully and Mulder were reassigned together.

Haha. Now they split them up.

Also: I could never pull off a skirt-suit with that length skirt.

Scully is quitting because she's seen too much and a regular FBI job would be boring? So what's she going to do instead that will be more interesting?

Well when you say it like that, Mulder, you sound paranoid. But nice way to sum up 5 seasons worth of character development real quick.

"I've been watching your career for a while, and I've decided to only approach you now, while you're peeing in an alley."

Well if it couldn't be aliens that planted the bomb, I guess the government is the next best choice.

"Get dressed Scully! I want to play X-Files! Let's go look for aliens!"

You know that this is a feature length movie and not a two-part episode because the music is much more dramatic. Is it still Mark Snow?

Smoking Man! Good thing they brought him back just in time to be in the movie!

It's helicopter guy again.

The firefighter is pregnant with an alien?

We need aliens to be real in order for Mulder to be a hero. Without them, he is just a tragic figure.

Mulder: Do you smell that, Scully? It smells like a government cover-up!
Scully: Let's poke it!

Wait, is this a metaphor for HIV?

Really? The Syndicate can't kill Mulder so they're going to go after Scully? (She's the "thing" he holds most dear, right?)

The Helicopter Guy Memorial Playground

Is Mulder going to jump on this train? Nope. Just follow it.

Mulder is kind of like Lois Lane (investigating tenaciously to the point of trespassing and risk of bodily harm) and Superman (rescuing Scully) all in one.

There are so many helicopters in this movie.

Hey Scully, remember that time we were being chased through a desert cornfield by helicopters?

Okay, Scully you go deliver this evidence and I'll go to a bar. Try to keep a straight face while you deliver my kooky theory.

You complete me, Scully.

What?? The ambulance driver just shot Mulder in the face!

Scully gets a bee sting and Mulder gets shot in the face. The End.

Wow. That ambulance driver was a terrible shot. That was point blank. If they just wanted to slow him down, why not just break his legs?

The car blew up. No one told me this was an action flick.

How did Mulder get to Antarctica? I don't think you can just buy a plane ticket...

Well anyway, we're back on Hoth.

Hey Scully, remember that time we were about to kiss and then you got stung by a bee and I got shot in the face? Well now I'm in Antarctica. Wanna build an igloo and make out?

Smoking Man is also in Antarctica. The gang's all here!

Is that the mother ship from ID4? It looks like the mother ship from ID4.

Okay, Scully, right after I pull these slimy tubes out of your mouth let's pick up where we left off with that kiss.

Wait, why is the whole secret base collapsing? "It's all gone to hell" isn't an acceptable answer, Smoking Man.

This whole attack the fortress and save the princess sequence is my least favorite part of the movie so far.

Hey Scully, when you were passed out I gave you CPR. That's kind of like kissing, right?

Why are the aliens escaping?

So the secret base was a space ship? I don't understand at all. And how are they going to get back home?

FINE, Mulder, I *won't* quit the FBI. Geez.

So this FBI lady is like, "I don't believe your story so I'm going to delete your report." And Scully's like, "Here's a bee in a bottle. Fuck you."

And then Skinner's like, "Don't look at me!"


Wait, who allowed them to re-open the X-files?

What is this music they are playing during the end credits? Ewwwww.

Masters of Sex S01E12

Sure, Haas is great now, but remember that time he hit Ginny in the second episode?

"None of them ever changed how I felt about you."
"Really? You never loved any of them?"
Does that mean if he loved someone else it would necessarily change how he felt about her?

That was a long time to have a dialogue between two characters without a reverse-shot. I was half expecting Margaret's interlocutor to be someone shocking.

I hope Ginny doesn't walk into the presentation and cause Bill to pause in his talk.

Ok, here she is. Has he seen her yet?

Oh snap, Dr. DePaul!

Would Masters have given Johnson any credit even if she hadn't quit? Would she have had to demand it?

Ooooh I hope he edited her face out.

It's a good thing Haas didn't see the presentation. He might have recognized Virginia's body.

OMG. Masters is doing such a good thing for Scully :)

"Dear God. What a thing." I like that. What a thing.

Aww, Lester.

What if the therapy worked and Barton was cured of being gay but just not attracted to his wife?

Awwwww, her name is on the study. But since they were only going to be handed out at the end, nobody knows - for better and worse.

Aww, I like that Libby is just taking time to be with her baby before even calling Bill.

Bill shows up on her doorstep in the rain? What is this, The Notebook?

How did Bill even know where she lives?

I don't know how I feel about this ending. The whole episode is about "the work" (whether Masters' or DePaul's) and now the thing he can't live without is the woman.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Twin Peaks S02E22: Beyond Life and Death

Okay. Last episode. Let's do this.

Poor Nadine :(

It's that room! With the dwarf!

But who is this singer?

And enough with the strobe light. Geez.

Why did they think that Katherine's enemy would have left her something good in the safety deposit box?

This episode is weird and good.

And it's new weird along with familiar weird.

It wouldn't be too hard to set up a Twin Peaks stage show. Red curtains. Zig-zag floor. Backwards-talking dwarf. Giant.

See!! Didn't I say that Bob could kick Windom Earle's ass??

Wait, what happened to Audrey? There's only 2 anda half minutes left of the series. Did she get blown up?

Oh no! Bob got inside Coop!!!

Holy crap. What an ending.

The X-Files S05E20: The End

Spender wanted to exclude Mulder, but Scully is there?

For a minute I thought that was Norma Jennings with the "piece of pie" index card.

Don't be sad, Scully. No one could replace you.

Why would the boy getting abducted spell the end of the X-files?

The X-files!! They're on fire!!

Twin Peaks S02E21: Miss Twin Peaks

Dude. The Talmud doesn't fit in one book.

Who is that guy harassing the log lady?

Too bad Andy missed Lucy's dance

At this point it's too obvious for Ben Horne to be Donna's father. I hope the connection is something else.

Every judge in this contest has a conflict of interest.

Yay! Andy for Daddy!

We didn't get to see Shelly do anything in the pageant.

But of course it would be Annie.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Person of Interest S03E11

  • Is that Artie from Warehouse 13? Yep! Saul Rubinek.
  • This episode is a nice emotional break from the past couple.
  • Oh yeah - what was the deal with there Vigilance guys?

Friday, January 3, 2014

Twin Peaks S02E20: The Path to the Black Lodge

Why would anyone think it would be a good idea for Major Briggs to go take a walk in the woods? That is a historically bad idea.

This episode is more on track with earlier episodes in terms of quality and entertainment value. The tonal shifts are better than the past couple episodes.

Some of Major Briggs' dialogue could be song lyrics.

"He'll be back someday. He promised." Pete can be cute sometimes. But sometimes he's just annoying.

I bet Bob could kick Windom Earle's ass.

Person of Interest S03E10

  • Oh God this is too sad even without the Johnny Cash. I don't know if I can even.
  • Network TV hasn't made me cry since LOST.
  • Shaw (Shah?) was a doctor?
  • They don't show the faces of Harold's therapist or Shaw's hopsital boss or Reese's army superior.
  • Root is prety badass, even if she is a psychopath. But aren't all the protagonists?
  • Another no-faced superior with Fusco. Why? So they don't need to reverse-shot?
  • Give it to him good, Fusco!
  • Okay, best of both worlds: Fusco takes down Simmons AND Simmons gets whacked.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Person of Interest S03E09

  • Are ALL the cops dirty??
  • When Simmons gets it, I hope he gets it good.
  • Fusco's angry face is scary.
  • Sometimes this show does unusual things, like showing Carter's battle scars and John crying.

Masters of Sex S01E11

It's fun to see Libby get to hear about Bill's work. Must be fun for her, too.

I think a show about Virginia and DePaul trying to popularize pap smears would be awesome, too.

In this show, only people who are unmarried have anything other than two double beds.

The X-Files S05E19: Folie a Deux

There's a Law & Order: CI episode called Folie a Deux that's pretty good.

"Mental telepathy" is redundant, Gary.

Sometimes I wonder why Scully puts up with Mulder's shit

Why would Monster Boss tempt fate by going after Mulder in the hospital?

"A madness shared by two" to imply that Scully is in as deep as Mulder, contrary to his attitude at the beginning of the episode.

Masters of Sex S01E10

How much time is supposed to have passed since last episode?

"What does being pleasant have to do with women's health?"

I don't think I'd be able to take an air raid simulatin seriously either.

Allison Janney is so, so beautiful.

Doc Haas. Has a very familiar voice. Has he done voice acting, I wonder?

I kind of agree with Masters that Virginia should not have told Dr. Blonde about the pregnancy.

"The man who's responsible" - is she referring to Dr. Blonde or to Masters? Probably Masters, as earlier in this episode they established that Ginny can write checks...

This is a pretty scene - Allison Janney and Dr. Blonde in the pool talking about sattelites.

Masters of Sex S01E09

I love Jane.

Poor Vivian.

Do those old films capture sound?

Money makes things tricky. Especially sex.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Person of Interest S03E08

Catching up...
  • Carter has gone cray cray and I like it.
  • Carter is such a fucking badass. And her eyebrows are amazing.

Masters of Sex S01E08

Is this going to be a Far From Heaven situation?

"I bought her a vaccum. She didn't care that it hovered."

"Vaginas don't bite" - unless they do

They cut into bodies for undergrad anatomy??

It's so cute how awkward Dr. Masters is when he's being nice

It's nice they're finally exploring Dr. Blonde's marriage and his cheating without minimizing it as "Oh, that Dr. Blonde. What a rogue!"